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Special thanks to my good friend Stephanie Stock from Ohio Advocates for Medical Freedom ( for joining us on our Renz Ethical Lawfare & Cancer Corruption Give-A-Thon event this past Thursday. I’ve had the honor and privilege to work with Stephanie for several years. This woman works her butt off and is one of the most passionate and intelligent fighters in the medical freedom fight. I look forward to doing more with Stephanie and OAMF this coming year. Thank you Stephanie, not only for what you do in our home state of Ohio, but for what you do to educate Americans nationwide to help Make America Healthy Again #MAHA.

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Support Ethical Lawfare

Charitable Work In Litigation, Education & Fighting for Change.

Join Us To Raise $3 Million To Fight Against Cancer, Corruption, and Human Trafficking

Your donations support Renz's ethical lawfare in areas like health freedom, cancer corruption, MAGA education, and fighting for freedom and justice.


So what to do? Enter a new concept - lawfare. Lawfare is the use of strategic litigation, political pressure and support of well-crafted legislation, and the activation of we the people to facilitate change. All of this must be 100% ethical, legal, and above board and all work together to disrupt and/or facilitate change in our nation, society, or industry. This is what I have chosen to specialize in and can be broken down this way:

Legal: Our focus in legal practice is on the use of ethical and strategic litigation to facilitate disruption and change under the law. The courts are not the place to change the law but there are many uses for litigation where laws have been misinterpreted or where justice needs to be sought to make change. Lawfare cases are NOT unethical cases filed without purpose to punish someone in the court or financially. Lawfare cases, as we define them, are ethical and just cases designed to ensure justice or the proper interpretation of the law.

Political: Most change under our Constitution starts in the political arena. We understand that arena and are happy to use the carrot or the stick. While we prefer working with our elected officials, when they are corrupt or refuse to stand for what is right we are more than willing to use the tools we have to go after them. Our Constitution and freedoms are worth fighting for and that means we need to make sure there is a political price to pay if an elected official refuses to stand for them. The other side of that coin is that we want to make sure the good guys get credit for their work.

Legislation should be simple and concise. We can help with legislation and supporting elected officials that are doing right.

PR/Public Activation: We work to bring and activate the public and ensure that we the people know what our elected officials are doing and why they are doing it. We also try to ensure people can see and understand why litigation is important and how it could impact their rights. We cannot and would not try and provide “legal advice” to the public but feel it is important for people to understand the impact of law on their lives. It is our strong belief that doing so promotes integrity in legislation and litigation (plus this is covered by the First Amendment). The foundation to our work with the public is to be 100% honest and keep integrity at the center or what we do. If we fail to do that, we the people will not trust us the next time we share info.

Within the realm of litigation and specialization we have areas we focus as well but a substantial amount of our work is in supporting other lawyers. There are a lot of solid litigators out there but we are quite unique in our ability to develop or supplement litigation strategies - particularly when there are also public relations and political goals. My focus is using what I do to make our nation better but our work is quite useful for disrupting industries, promoting causes, etc. So while we do quite well in the courts, we are incredibly good at disrupting the plans of bad guys by using multi-layered strategies.

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Tom Renz’s Newsletter
Lawfare - What We Do
Attorneys, much like doctors tend to specialize in one of a number of areas. Some specialize in case types - criminal defense, medical malpractice, various types of torts, etc. - others specialize in areas of the law - evidence, procedure, litigation, appellate work, etc. - and yet others are simply generalists. There …
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Unbiased Research. Transparent Solutions. From Healthcare To Lawfare.
Neither health nor freedom should be politicized.