Sharleta Bassett is a cancer survivor and fighter for kids and freedom issues. This lady has survived and thrived through as many issues as anyone I know and still does so with a smile on her face. I’m proud to be friends with a lady like Sharleta and grateful for joining us.
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Support Ethical Lawfare
Charitable Work In Litigation, Education & Fighting for Change.
Join Us To Raise $3 Million To Fight Against Cancer, Corruption, and Human Trafficking
Your donations support Renz's ethical lawfare in areas like health freedom, cancer corruption, MAGA education, and fighting for freedom and justice.
Our Areas of Impact
Our efforts and funding are directed towards four primary areas:
Advocacy for Freedom and Health: We will file or support health freedom lawsuits and educate about the truth of your health. Whether standing against unhealthy food or big pharma corruption this is core to our beliefs.
Legal Support: We provide assistance in legal matters pertaining to freedom, health freedom, and healthcare, and corruption. We may litigate or support appropriate and related litigation.
Cancer Research: The cancer industry is corrupt. While there are many good people working to fight cancer, the industry is broken. We will be working to educate and fight for changes to the cancer industry in every way possible.
Support Services: We are here to help people. Our organization do everything we can to extend aid to individuals confronted with cancer, as well as those engaged in battles for freedom or health freedom, alongside addressing miscellaneous issues aligned with our mission.
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