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Thank you!! ☺️

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The only way to make sure that the cancer does not reappear...get rid of the CAUSE. Surgery removes the end result, but it did not get to the ROOT CAUSE. What created the tumor in the first place? In 1976 two doctors told me that they would give me no guarantees, unless a rapidly growing tumor was removed. I prayed...and my answer was remove the CAUSE. I stopped using a food that a nutritional PhD recommended, which created a vaginal tumor....DAIRY. After, I stopped eating any dairy, the tumor disappeared in less than 3 months. Twelve years later, I got an ugly growth with spikes coming out of it right above my right breast....This time I just checked what I was eating. I discovered that i going through a lot of honey daily in all the herb tea I was drinking. I immediately stopped the honey. In 2-1.2 months there was.a little pink spot above my breast. The tumor disintegrated. I learned: NOTHING GROWS WTHOUT FUEL. The protein-fat in the dairy caused the growth of the first tumor...and the excess carbs in all the honey I used caused the second tumor. I have not had one more problem since 1988. These tumors never came back.

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Thank you for sharing your journey and you are correct on finding the “cause”.. I know my journey hasn’t ended I’m just glad to be over the big hurdle.. onto dealing with it systematically

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Understood! Prayers protected you. People need to know most nutrition books are lucky to be 20% valid. There are no schools where doctors or anyone else can study unbiased nutrition information. J.D. Rockefeller promoted this back in the early 1900s... He got rid of any health modality except his patented petroleum based drugs. 95% of health problems are CAUSED by what goes into the mouth.... be it the wrong food, alcohol, tobacco, or drugs, etc. I have been studying this subject 64 years. In the beginning I learned the hard way through experimentation with Conventional Knowledge coming from the Food Industry., which caused health issues (the Food Industry gives its research to nutrition schools). . It took12 years of searching, before I found information that produced good results. I found real health by eliminating many of the "good" foods that are being promoted. I also did 17 years of free Creator-guided consultations in order to learn about the human body. The Medical Industry has expensive solution, but it is appalling how little it knows about prevention and CURES!. I am into prayer...and ask for guidance....and answers have come for other health problems as well. Prayer works!

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Prayer does work and completely agree with your statement!! Wish insurance paid for preventative treatments🤔 rather than keeping us sick!!

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God Bless You! You and your family are in my prayers 🙏🏻

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Thank you for those prayers without them who knows where I’d be..

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Google 'youtube kathleen ruddy ivermetin'. You will get a 50 minute Youtube about the great medicine ivermetin and cancer. She is currently trying to get a REAL medical trial about done, but Big Pharma will not be involved, due to ivermetins' extremely low cost (about 10-25 cents a pill). Drs Pierre Kory and Paul Marik (flccc.com) are also doing some very interesting research with cancer treatment.

May God bless, lead. and protect you.

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Big pharma are only interested in patentable treatments, inexpensive off-patent drugs simply won't do.

The trio of surgery, radio and chemo (cutting, burning and poisoning) hasn't changed in 50 years, and cancer remains a mystery, when Richard Nixon declared a research 'War on Cancer' in 1972...

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Correct… hoping this new administration things will change

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sorry, ivermetin should be spelled ivermectin

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God bless you & family , great husband you have , God is so so good !

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Yes, I’m blessed to have him be my advocate.. it’s such a shame this is the way of our medical system..

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So happy for you and your family. Our oldest daughter, who is 47 and has fought for 5 yrs, is in the end battle of stage 4 metastatic breast cancer. It has metastasized to her brain. We are so sad.

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I’ll be praying for her.. this breaks my heart.. too young.. I’ll continue her fight and praying for your family as well🫶🙏

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In the area of repurposed drugs that show promise against cancer, don't look past ivermectin and mebendazole/fenbendazole (benzimidazole derivatives) that, taken orally, seem able to defeat cancers at any location they occur in the human body, metastasis is no problem. There is a slew of other simple, inexpensive compounds and repurposed drugs that show some benefit in treating cancer—worth looking into, above and beyond radio, chemo and surgery, there are many published papers in the NIH database.

(Not advocating quack or snake oil cures here, or at least trying not to, it's worth googling science paper databases with these compounds and the specific type of cancer as search keywords.)

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Yes I’ve currently on them.. part of my protocol

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This is the full quack list of alternative remedies I've assembled over time:

Simple, inexpensive compounds that seem to be oncolytic (search with specific type of cancer):

- Ivermectin

- NAC (with qualification) + Bromelain

- Berberine (≈ Metformin without side effects)

- Mebendazole (Vermox)/fenbendazole

- Turmeric

- sodium bicarbonate

- acetyl salicylic acid (aspirin), salicylic acid - skin tumours

- Sarracenia purpurea

- Metformin, Roaccutane

- Dandelion

- ClO₂? Oxygen/ozone?

- iodine?

- Protocol B?

- Vitamin B17?

- Burzynski protocol?

- aminocyanine bioimaging dye molecules?


Scientists Destroy 99% of Cancer Cells in The Lab Using Vibrating Molecules


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I am more sorry than words can say💔💔💔. Prayers for your daughter and family 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

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in case of use ...........

the Riordan clinic in Wichita, Kansas https://riordanclinic.org/ ...... just to give you some idea .... mentioned in the first 10 minutes of this Sept 2020 interview linked to below .... an interview with the Chief Medical Officer of the Riordan Clinic Dr. Ron Hunninghake ..... 1000 doctors in Japan are using the Riordan protocol for cancer which includes IV Vitamin C.


The Power of Intravenous Vitamin C with Dr Ron Hunninghake Sept 18, 2020

He also mentions studies at University of Iowa and Cornell in NY ..... for example ..... https://medicine.uiowa.edu/content/grant-will-fund-cancer-clinical-trials-test-high-dose-vitamin-c Grant will fund cancer clinical trials to test high-dose vitamin C

Date: Monday, November 19, 2018

Cancer researchers at University of Iowa Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center have received a five-year, $9.7 million grant from the National Cancer Institute to test the use of high-dose, intravenous (IV) vitamin C in the treatment of cancer.

You all must be so tired ... she must be so tired. But a phone call to the Riordan Clinic .... they use orthomolecular medicine .... that is using substances known to the body (versus able to be patented like pharmaceuticals) ...... Orthomolecular has decades long experience treating many things including cancers...... Linus Pauling coined the word orthomolecular in 1968 .... there is a Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University.

The results are amazing. People aren't too far gone to try these approaches that use different mechanisms and are much more successful than chemo and radiation.

Vitamin C can cross the brain blood barrier is my understanding so it can go get rid of cancer cells in the brain as well.

other in case of interest....

1. https://jeffreydachmd.com/2017/06/doxycycline-vitamin-c-anti-cancer-synergy/

Doxycycline Vitamin C Anti-Cancer Synergy

Eradicates Cancer Stem Cells

2. https://www.orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v15n11.shtml


Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, July 2, 2019


And why more and more oncologists are now using it

Commentary by Andrew W. Saul, Editor

3. https://ivtogo.com/collections/all Oregon (home of Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University)

4. a favorite brand of ours, also mentioned by Dr. Thomas Levy (world wide vitamin c expert ) and Dr. Russell Blaylock in their articles livonlab.com liposomal vitamin c

5. https://www.optimalc.com/images/cathcart-vitamin-c-dose-chart.jpg

Dr. Robert Cathcart treated over 25,000 patients with high dose, divided doses of vitamin c. can read more about these things at www.orthomolecular.org select Library, select News Releases to browse articles going back to 2005

vitamin D ...higher blood levels, even 80-100 are helpful .... apparently particularly with breast cancer ...... see Dr. Michael Holick's book "The Vitamin D Solution" 2010 .... a 40 year vitamin d researcher ..... 1. ************************************************

page 245-246 of Dr. Michael Holick's (a 40 year researcher on vitamin D) published in his 2010 book, "The Vitamin D Solution" ...................... "For some, even physicians, it's incomprehensible that vitamin D can reduce the risk of heart attack by as much as 50 percent; reduce the risk of common cancers of the colon, prostate, and breast by as much as 50 percent; reduce the risk of infections [typo in book? infectious?) diseases, including influenza, by as much as 90 percent; reduce the risk of type 1 diabetes by 78 percent in a child who gets 2000 IU of vitamin D a day in the first year of life; decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes; decrease the risk of dementia and depression; wipe out cases of fibromyalgia that have been misdiagnosed; and dramatically decrease the risk of multiple sclerosis and other auto-immune diseases. When in doubt, I always go back to this simple fact; every tissue and cell in the body has a vitamin D receptor." end of excerpt from page 245-246 of Dr. Michael Holick's book "The Vitamin D Solution".

ivermectin .... just incredible information .. amazing safety record ... amazing effectiveness

protocols at www.floridasharkman.org can also follow him and ask questions at the account on the Truth Social platform

Dr. William Makis, 18 year cancer doctor in Alberta, Canada .... began telemed help to people with cancer all over the world in August 2024 ..... can email ..... email listed within this article .... https://makismd.substack.com/p/breaking-news-my-august-2024-cancer

as Dr. Paul Marik, one of the most published critical care physicians in the world said about ivermectin at a Dec 5, 2020 press conference in Houston, Texas ..... "it is a gift"

he has complied a 250plus page summary of various Cancer treatments .... I've followed him and his group flccc.net since March 2020 when it was founded.

This is the 2nd version October 2024 https://covid19criticalcare.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Cancer-Care-FLCCC-Dr-Paul-Marik-v2.pdf CANCER CARE (Version 2.2) 2024-10-1

May God richly bless you and yours and comfort you.

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Awesome news.

Praise God!

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Yes taking his win!!

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ALLELUIA!! Praise God! Agreeing with Barbara, below—go organic. Find raw milk that is clean, cows fed flax, no hormones, antibiotics, etc., home grown. High Omega 3 raw milk is healing and you will not get sick. My farmer in OH is the lowest bacteria count OH has ever seen. He is grandfathered in. As long as I have been going to him, eating his clean pork, milk, eggs, chix and beef, and my dogs eat his meat, milk and eggs,.10 yrs with my farmer, been sick once. I drink 2-3 gallons per week and my dogs get some out of that also. Be blessed, what an Alleluia!!

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Yes raw milk and real farm to table is the best fuel our bodies need..

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I’m shedding tears of joy for you and your family! Praise the Lord! I will continue to pray for all of you!

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☺️ Thank you. Taking in God’s win!!

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Dear Annie , Thomas and Family.

I am so glad to hear of this great news. Hope and Faith are true things that we must hold on to .FOREVER!!

God Bless you all and Happiest of all New Years.

Rolonne Marie Ross and family <3 <3 <3

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Thank you and thank you for those blessings

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You have no idea who I am. But I heard of Tom in an interview he did. He asked God, I don’t know if you want me in this fight, you’ll have to show me. Then he had a call from the first whistleblower. I have been following him ever since that moment.

I watched when he interviewed you. And I just cried, reading this wonderful news. All Praise and Glory to God!


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Thank you and thank you for supporting Tom!!

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Praise God!

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Thank you!! I’m taking his win

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Thank God!!

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Yes- the ultimate healer

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Dear Annie, what a precious gift! Rejoicing with you!!

Twenty years ago, after learning much more than I ever wanted to know about the evils coming from all directions to get us into the predicament we currently find ourselves as a country, and being ignored when trying to sound the alarm, I helplessly asked the Lord where were all the mighty men of David to recognize danger and rise up to help. What a joy it was to find Renz Warriors. You have always held my admiration and gratitude, knowing what it takes to stand side by side with Tom midst his battles on our behalf but meanwhile being left to hold together your young family. It takes a special grace. And now through this past year your personal courage, strength and wisdom inspire. Both of you have the prayers and affection of so many of us you have never met. The Lord Jesus Christ guard you and your whole family in His perfect well-being throughout this coming year, guide you with His Word, and preserve you most powerfully by the Holy Spirit indwelling and immersing you moment by moment in His almighty presence.

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Thank you for sharing this.. this warmed my heart ❤️ Blessings to you and yours

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I'm very happy to hear your good news. Thank you for sharing your difficult journey. Prayers for great blessings in the future.

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Very good news.

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☺️ Thank you

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