For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted to save the world. As a young boy growing up in rural Ohio I loved superheroes (oddly, my favorite was always Santa Claus but that is another story for another day) and was always inspired by the idea of doing something to help people for no other reason than it being the right thing to do. Fast forward to being an adult and I realized that while, I was unlikely to ever be able to wear a cape or bring toys to the children of the world in a magical sleigh, I could offer the gifts God gave me to making the world a little better. After taking stock, I decided the best way to do that was through founding a charity that focused on making our world more free and less corrupt… and so 4GFC was born.
Legally and ethically a charity never really belongs to anyone - including the founder - but it is not uncommon for a charity to reflect the founder in many ways. For me, that means that 4GFC is really about fighting/educating/advocating for freedom (especially health freedom) and against corruption. Since a charity is not allowed to participate in political activity this means that our charitable work supports educational and justice initiatives. Education can be anything from events, to classes, to media and justice can be in the courts or other areas.
Much of our focus remains on health freedom and related issues but we are also quite passionate about corruption anywhere we can find it and helping individuals. These areas overlap frequently and so corruption in healthcare (either the provision of or regulation of) is an example of an area where we focus on creating change.
For example, through my wife’s fight with cancer I’ve found the entirety of the cancer “industry” is completely and totally corrupt. Little to no research is done on curing cancer and almost all of the money received by numerous cancer foundations goes to developing big pharma friendly treatments that cause as much bad as good while creating permanent pharma/hospital customers. Also, individuals who have cancer frequently need help with many things but are left behind by a system that is far more focused on profit than people. The cancer “insudstry” is an example of an area we work for change, and hope to assist individuals.
The tools of the fight are critical to understanding what we do and we believe the fight for change should focus on ethical lawfare. Ethical lawfare is a concept I developed in the fight for freedom during COVID. It includes the use of strategic litigation, public education programs, and providing people the tools they need to know how to effect change through the legislative process. The reason we use the multi-pronged approach is that true change cannot occur without the involvement of all three. A court cannot strike down properly passed and constitutional legislation even if it is terrible - so people need to understand that and take steps elsewhere. That said, sometimes bad legislation or regulation is passed that we can fight in the courts. Essentially we just want to use the right tool for the right job so we can get things done effectively.
For me, 4GFC is and has always been about change. Not change for the sake of change, but change to make our country a better and more free place for everyone. I hope you will consider helping us in achieving that change.