It’s that time of year again…
For my long time readers you may know that around this time of year I undertake an important exercise each year. An exercise that helps me maintain my humanity and, I hope, helps to keep me a reasonably good man. Around this time of year, each year, I pause and reflect to ensure I still believe in Santa.
Santa is critical. To me, he is a symbol. A symbol of giving and love. A symbol of good. In my mind, Santa is a symbol of the intent of Christ. Giving without expectation of return, in Christ’s case, even unto death. To my mind, nothing could be more important than continuing to believe in Santa, and this year believing has been extremely difficult.
Over the course of this year, on a personal level, I have faced trials and tribulations that have been profound. Health crises - for myself and family; attacks -
professionally, financially, and legally; a fight for our nations soul and future; and so many other issues. Our nation has seen that many of our leaders and institutions are not just corrupt, but truly verging on outright evil. Through Diddy and Epstein, we have learned that many of the apparent celebrity “superheroes” are almost subhuman and the actions they took were covered up - and potentially joined - by our elected officials.
But I do not intend this to be an essay on the broken aspects of our world, rather it is a story of hope. You see, I believe that the true beauty of Christmas manifests in belief that purity and good can truly live and exist in such a fallen world. A recognition of the beauty of faith that unblemished love can and does still exist - and that is what we fight to preserve.
The evidence of these beliefs is all around us but the pain of so many stifle our view of it. I believe purity and good still does exist in our world and that we can see it if we choose to look. It exists in the faces of children, in the honesty of a belly laugh, and where gifts of love are shared purely without expectation of reciprocation. The world is certainly fallen and painful but the beauty remains as long as God provides us the strength to see it. In a similarly way, Santa represents a purity and beauty we can choose to see and believe in but it is absolutely a choice.
For my part, as I continue to wrestle with my own demons and fight the devils of this world, I choose to continue to believe in Santa. I choose to continue to hope and try to see the beauty of this world. I’ll continue to fight for a gift that, I may only rarely see, but that I know exists. That beauty is symbolized by Santa but is indelibly rooted in the forgiveness and redemption of Christ.
I sincerely hope all of you reading this will choose to believe in Santa and that you will all have a truly merry Christmas.
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